Sunday, December 16, 2012

In a Crazy World

It's Sunday morning. It's surprising warm for December, but, then maybe not. With global warming, this may be the way it is. Plus, we are in Southwest Missouri, not New England. A bird is singing outside. A simple chirp, but just enough to remind me we are not alone. A whole host of other creatures is lurking below the surface, creeping in the trees and attics, and bushes. How delightful. Less delightful would be the fleas which have been multiplying and spreading from the cat to me! I don't know if they are trying to escape the coming winter, or if they are just increasing in number, but it is time for more flea treatment for the cats. Honestly, I don't love animals so much anymore. I have five children. I don't like the cat hair and scratching of animals in the house. My children make enough messes. I used to stare deeply into a dog's eyes and feel as if I  could read her soul. But I don't want one now. Too much work. I feel like that is wrong, even when it's honest. 

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